
Here are SEVEN key questions that helps you decide wether what you have included on your website that were taken from others, is considered a fair use. Generally speaking, Fair use allows you to use someone’s copyrighted work without permission. If you are to use this material, it must must be for “purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.” AND “the use of this copyrighted piece should not be within a material that is used for profit-generation, and/or in a volume from that work that is considerable, depending on the nature of the work”.

So if your specific blog that you used a copyrighted material is fit with the first part of the above equation (for example, people don’t pay you to read that specific blog), then the second part applies, including, of course, wether you used the material in an ad rich site that will generate profit for you by attracting people to the copyrighted material. Interesting!!

The SEVEN key questions are included in this article that is clear and really easy to digest:

24 Oct, 2012

Vimeo Video Blog Post

Mauris sed sem eget libero tempus ullamcorper ullamcorper id velit. Maecenas auctor lorem pellentesque dolor iaculis ut consectetur tellus suscipit. Vivamus enim velit, ornare accumsan gravida vitae, vestibulum sit amet eros. Aliquam ut magna mi. Nulla eu nulla id metus consequat volutpat.

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24 Oct, 2012

Standart Post without Feature Image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac felis sit amet turpis porttitor vulputate. Sed bibendum vehicula tempor. Vestibulum lorem magna, condimentum sit amet pretium eget, cursus ac lacus. Pellentesque aliquam, massa a tempor tincidunt, lectus lorem accumsan dui, id viverra risus turpis non turpis.

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