
well .. the evidence sounds quite conflicting …

The Lancet (Aug 2015) published a systematic review and a meta-analysis of 73 RCTs, showing a significant improvement in patient’s level of anxiety and pain. The evidence is good and the message is clear. Results are linked herein.

Music for surgeons has long ben known to promote a positive mind and to enhance surgery. It has been shown, in the case of plastic surgeons, to improve timing by 10% or more. Music has been shown to improve performance in laparoscopic simulation surgery, and on the cardiovascular reactivity among surgeons.

Nurses, however, were not in quite agreement with this. Music generally caused more distraction and inability to hear surgeon’s instruction than it helped in relaxing the scrub nurses.

The question then remains in who is more important: an euphoric surgeon who can perform better, a more relaxed and less painful surgery to the patient, or a happier scrub nurse? I guess this has to be judged at the very individual setting. I am afraid that in many cases, the nurse becomes the most disadvantaged!

Here is a good article from the Independent:


24 Oct, 2012

Vimeo Video Blog Post

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