AJLyon Newsletter 2018.
In this issue:
👉🏼 What should you take while receiving antibiotic treatment for infection?
👉🏼 Very high levels of ‘Good’ Cholesterol is probably NOT that good.
👉🏼 What is the effect of red meat and processed meat on the heart and arteries’ health?
👉🏼 I am about to have radio frequency ablation (key hole) treatment to my varicose veins. What should I expect?
and much more ..read it here:  Vascular Newsletter Jan 2018_Final …
11 May, 2012

Femoral Artery Aneurysms

Femoral  artery aneurysms - tips and tricks Be thorough is assessing: proximal, distal, expected aetiology, possible infection, etc. Access usually possible via same inguinal incision. Retroperitoneal control is rarely needed.  Read More