
How to choose the best #stockings for your needs?

Stockings are essential part in the management of symptoms caused by #varicose veins and leg #swelling. They are also essential in protecting patients from developing #thrombosis during hospital stay or long duration flights.

The art of creating stockings for medical use starts from choosing the correct raw material that form the yarns. This is followed by a proper design of how the yarns are rewinded and knitted. The level of compression that the stockings should apply to different leg sizes are also an essential part of design.

Which stockings are best for me?
👉🏼 Flying for long duration (>3h)? Use low pressure (class I) stockings below the knee. This should be sufficient for you, providing you take care about any other risk factors (see the following advice from the NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-body/prevent-dvt-when-you-travel/)
🧦 Scholl flight socks (https://tinyurl.com/y63fayjf) for example are widely available, easy to use, and of high quality.

👉🏼 Have painful varicose veins? Use medium pressure (class II) stockings below the knee if the pain is significant. BUT REMEMBER: never use them before seeing your family doctor or a specialist. They need to ensure a) your blood supply to your feet is good and b) you are been checked and treated for the varicose veins.

👉🏼 Have very swollen leg and can’t fit stockings? Why don’t you try the new JOBST® FARROWWRAP® 4000 (https://tinyurl.com/y4oeldvq). This effective, comfortable wrap compression system providing compression
from the foot to ankle and are easy to apply even for very swollen legs.

The following video fro Venosan(c), a Swiss-based supplier for a high quality stockings explain the manufacturing process further. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED_B1JLjKdA

Got a question ? We are more than happy to help. Contact us at @AJLYON.co.uk or directly message us. Our average response time is 24h or less.
>>What others are saying about us? visit Doctify and iWantGreatCare official web sites:
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https://www.iwantgreatcare.org/doctors/mr-abdullah-jibawi 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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